The land of opportunity, land of immense natural beauty & lucrative life style of the country is always a sought after destination for aspiring immigrants. The country has its own variety of landscape within its small area (as compared to other continents) i.e. golden beaches with blue seas as well as ice covered mountains. Even in comparisons on standard of living, life expectancy, education, literacy, the country comes in top most ranks by defeating others. The country is also safe to live as corruption ratio is very low.


  • New Zealand people are friendlier in nature, which gives raise to multi
  • Jobs are abundant finding job in New-Zealand is much easier.
  • New Zealand has one of the lowest personal tax rates in the world.
  • Much of New Zealand enjoys a largely sub-tropical climate.
  • New Zealand has plenty of space, making land much cheaper.
  • It is estimated that 25% of people living in Auckland – the ‘City of Sails’ – own a boat.
  • New Zealand’s recession was not as severe as that in the UK  rest of the world.
  • New Zealand is a perfect country for children to grow up in, where they can choose from a multitude of sporting activities: kayaking, hiking, skiing, bunny jumping, white water rafting, swimming, surfing, fishing and camping, to name but a few.
  • The standard of living is too good, but many things cost less such as petrol, which costs half that in the UK etc. Eating out is also much cheaper.
  • it’s now official… having gone unbeaten in all 3 group games at the World Cup in South Africa, New Zealand now has a pretty decent football team

Overview Of The Program:

The Skilled Migrant Category (SMC) is the way skilled migrants qualify to gain Permanent Residence (PR) to New Zealand. It is managed by Immigration New Zealand under the Immigration Act [2009], and currently has a target of attracting 26,000 migrants per year.

The SMC replaced in the late 1990s a seriously flawed system that had resulted thousands of supposedly skilled migrants coming into NZ, who were subsequently unable to work in their skilled professions in NZ due to various factors, such as their overseas qualifications not being recognized in NZ, were unable to get occupational registration in NZ, or were unable to speak English.

The list of programs is dynamic and can change at any time. These programs come with its own criteria and are designed for different types of applicants. Our experienced Immigration Consultants will guide you in every step of the way as you plan and navigate your migration journey.


   The SMC combines both a points-based system as well as minimum requirements. While the points can vary (although the minimum points allowed under law is 100), the minimum requirements are that one be aged 55 or under, be healthy, be of good character, and speak English (or pay an English Language Tuition Bond).

Skilled Employment

  For skilled employment, an applicant gets 50 points for either skilled job offer in New Zealand, or if the applicant is already working in a skilled job in New Zealand for less than 12 months. If the applicant is working in a skilled job in New Zealand for more than 12 months, they get 60 points. If the job is outside the Auckland Region, a further 30 bonus points are allocated.

However, INZ only recognises certain jobs as being skilled, and these occupations are contained on Appendix 6 in the INZ manual. In addition, the applicant must also meet the work experience and qualifications prescribed to that job by the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO).